Why Emotional Pain Hurts

emotional painEver wonder…

 why you feel emotional pain in your chest when  your feelings have been hurt?

Terms like “heartache” and “gut wrenching” are not just metaphors — they describe both physical and emotional pain.

If you feel heartache, for example, what you are experiencing is emotional stress and the resulting stress-induced sensations in your chest — muscle tightness, an increased heart rate, uncomfortable stomach activity, and shortness of breath.

Physical & emotional pain are connected

You may be a bit surprised to learn that emotional pain triggers the exact brain regions that physical pain lights up.

How do emotions trigger physical sensations? A 2009 study conducted at the University of Arizona and the University of Maryland found that activity in a brain region that regulates emotional reactions (the anterior cingulate cortex) helps explain how an emotional insult can trigger a biological cascade.

During a stressful experience your brain’s anterior cingulate cortex increases the activity of your Vagus nerve. This huge nerve is the pathway connecting your brain stem to your neck, chest and abdomen.

When this nerve is over stimulated, it can cause pain, abdominal “butterflies,” and even nausea.

Heartache is not the only way emotional pain and physical pain intersect in our brain.

Other studies show that even feeling emotional pain on behalf of another person — that is, having empathy for that person — can also influence your pain perception. And this effect is NOT limited to humans. A recent paper published in Science Magazine revealed that when a mouse sees its cage mate in agony, that mouse’s sensitivity to physical pain increases. But when it comes into close contact with a friendly, unharmed mouse, its sensitivity to pain is reduced. 

A recent brain scan study of humans supported the finding in mice — showing that simple acts of social kindness, such as holding hands, can blunt the brain’s response to threats of physical pain, and thus actually lessen the pain.

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Posted by Jill Ammon-Wexler
Amazing Solutions

Scientific Proof ESP is Real

September 22, 2009 by  
Filed under Mind Stretch

Natural ESP PowersCould we all be naturally psychic and have ESP powers? Scientists now say “yes.”

One of the most surprising discoveries of modern physics is that objects aren’t as separate as they  seem. When you drill down into the core of even the most solid-looking material, separateness simply dissolves.

All that remains are relationships extending curiously throughout space and time. These connections were predicted by quantum theory and were called “spooky action at a distance” by Einstein. One founders of quantum theory, Erwin Schradinger, referred to this peculiarity as “entanglement.”

The sense of reality suggested by entanglement is very unlike the world of everyday experience. For years many physicists accepted that the microscopic world of elementary particles could become entangled, but this was  assumed  to have no practical consequences. 

That view is changing rapidly.  Scientists now say the effects of microscopic entanglements scale up into our everyday world. Entangled connections between atomic-sized objects have been found to persist over many miles. It seems as though what we call reality could be made up of  holistic “threads” that aren’t located precisely in space or time.

Some scientists suggest that the remarkable degree of coherence displayed in living systems might depend on entanglement. Others suggest that conscious awareness is caused or related in some important way to entangled particles in the brain. Modern string theory even proposes that the entire universe is a single, self-entangled object.

What if these speculations are correct? Would we occasionally have odd feelings of connectedness with loved ones at a distance? Could entangled minds be what lets you instantly know who’s calling when the phone rings?

Science is at very earliest stages understanding entanglement,  but what we’ve seen so far provides a new way of thinking about extrasensory perception (ESP). There’s now substantial evidence  paranormal experiences are both real and normal.

No longer are paranormal experiences like ESP regarded as rare human talents.  ESP is a natural consequence of  our interconnected, entangled physical reality.

Here is a proven way to instantly develop or refine your natural ESP and other psychic powers. Click Here!


Are We All Naturally Psychic?

September 8, 2009 by  
Filed under Mind Stretch

develop psychic abilitiesThere is an 85 percent chance you have psychic abilities, are clairvoyant, and can perform remote viewing says one researcher.

Dr Chris Roe places a pair of enormous fluffy earphones over the head of a blonde 20-year-old woman. He then carefully slices a ping-pong ball in half and tapes each piece over her eyes, switches on a red light that bathes the woman in an eerie glow, and leaves the room.

After a few moments, a low hum fills the laboratory, and the woman begins to smile as images of distant locations begin to flow through her mind. She says she can sense a group of trees and a babbling brook full of boulders. Standing on one boulder is her friend Jack waving at her and smiling. She begins to describe the location to Dr Roe.

Half a mile away, her friend Jack is, indeed, standing on a boulder in a stream. Somehow, the woman has been able to see Jack in her mind’s eye, even though common sense says it is impossible.

Up to 85 percent are Clairvoyant
Dr Roe, a parapsychologist based at the University of Northampton, is investigating whether it is possible to project your mind to a distant location to observe what is happening there. His early findings suggest that up to 85 per cent of us may be clairvoyant  and possess remote viewing  abilities.  And he believes that with only minimum training, you can develop psychic skills. “Our results are significant,” Roe says.”Remote viewing is something that should be taken seriously.”

An increasing number of scientists agree. Professor Brian Josephson, a Nobel Prize physicist at Cambridge University says: The experiments have been designed to rule out luck and chance. I consider the evidence for remote viewing to be pretty clear-cut.

Military Use of  Psychics
The military is also taking a keen interest. In the UK the Ministry of Defence has commissioned its own research. And documents released under the Freedom of Information Act detail a series of experiments on psychic phenomena. But the actual details of the experiments that were carried out are still classified.

In the early Seventies, the US military and the CIA funded a series of covert research projects designed to track down the most gifted psychics in the US, unravel the mysteries of their powers, and then find ways of teaching these skills to ordinary soldiers and agents.

The aim was to produce a new breed of super-soldier capable of controlling matter with their minds and gathering intelligence from afar. But some in the military wanted to go even further. The US Navy wanted to send confidential orders to nuclear submarines using telepathy. And Major General Albert N. Stubblebine III, commanding officer of the US Army Intelligence and Security Command, suggested that soldiers might one day even be able to see through walls using psychic powers to overcome the physical boundary.

And if that wasn’t enough, researchers at Princeton University (where Einstein was once based) and Stanford were similarly tasked with investigating the paranormal. Scientists at Stanford quickly focused on the use of remote viewing as the most militarily useful psychic skill. Stanford played host to more than a dozen psychic spies whose paranormal skills were once demonstrated to President Jimmy Carter.

The remote viewers used a deceptively simple method based on what is known as the Ganzfeld technique to help see deep into enemy territory. To do this they induced an altered state of consciousness by seating themselves in a sound-proof room while wearing earphones playing white noise. Ping pong balls sliced in half were placed over their eyes to obscure their vision, and the room was bathed in soft red light.

The map coordinates of the target location were written on a piece of paper, sealed in an envelope, and handed to the viewer. The viewer was allowed to touch the envelope, but not to open it.  Alternatively, pictures of the target location were sometimes sealed in the envelope.

The remote viewers would then slip into a light meditative trance and allow their mind’s eye to be drawn to the target location. Pictures, feelings and impressions would then drift into their minds from the target, which might be located thousands of miles away.

To an outsider, this approach might appear to produce only hopelessly vague results that were no better than guesswork. But the scientists investigating remote viewing found them to be surprisingly accurate.

Psychic Spies: The Birth of Remote Viewing
Joe McMoneagle, one such psychic spy with the codename Remote Viewer No 1, used remote viewing to look inside Russian military bases and gather intelligence. McMoneagle was recruited from US Army intelligence in Vietnam because of his amazing ability to survive while on reconnaissance missions behind enemy lines against seemingly impossible odds.

His commanding officers thought he was either amazingly lucky, psychic – or a double agent. On his return home, he was tested for his remote-viewing skills at Stanford and found to have psychic gifts. He went on to spend the next 20 years tracking Russian nuclear warheads and gathering intelligence. His work eventually earned him the Legion of Merit, America’s highest military non-combat medal.

In 1995, the US Congress asked two independent scientists to assess whether the $20 million that the government had spent on psychic research had produced anything of value. And the conclusions proved to be somewhat unexpected. Professor Jessica Utts, a statistician from the University of California, discovered that remote viewers were correct 34 per cent of the time, a figure far beyond what chance guessing would allow.

Utts says: Using the standards applied to any other area of science, you have to conclude that certain psychic phenomena, such as remote viewing, have been well established. The results are not due to chance or flaws in the experiments.

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