Brain Teasers
March 25, 2009 by Quantum Publisher
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Brain Teasers — Mind Quiz Can You develop an Einstein Brain?
(1) How far do your brain cells travel?
You’ve heard that you have billions and billions of brain cells in your brain.
If they were laid out end-to-end, how far do you think they would stretch?
(a) From New York to San Francisco
(b) All the way around the Earth
(c) To the Moon
(d) To the Moon and back
ANSWER: You have amazing mind power! You may be shocked to learn that if your brain cells and all their neural connections were laid out end-to-end, the “line up” would measure at least 800,000 kilometers (496,000 miles). This is roughly the distance to the moon and back. (Answer “D” is correct).
(2) Do Frogs and Armadillos Dream?
It has long been assumed that dreaming only occurs in humans, but some recent research reports seem to indicate that other creatures also dream. Animals certainly do experience dream-related REM sleep, but their subjective experience is difficult to determine. Can you guess which group of animals are most likely to dream (only one answer is correct):
(a) Only cats and dogs
(b) Frogs and armadillos
(c) Birds
(d) Mammals and birds
Answer to Brain Teaser
The animal with the longest average periods of REM sleep is the armadillo. It would appear that mammals and birds are the most frequent dreamers in nature — which is probably related to their sleep patterns (answer four is correct.)
Many animals such as frogs do not seem to sleep at all. It has been discovered that cats seem to dream mostly about chasing prey and playing with it. On a more basic level, many dog owners have noted that their pets sometimes move their legs as if running – or even make weak barking noises while asleep, or suddenly wake up and appear to think that something from their dream is actually real.
(3) How much electricity does your brain produce?
Yes, your brain’s nerve cells (neurons) really DO produce measurable electricity! But can you guess how much?
(a) Enough to light up a small flashlight.
(b) Enough to light a 5 watt night light
(c) Enough to light a 15 watt neon tube
(d) Enough to replace your refrigerator light bulb
ANSWER: The measurable electrical potential of your brain is actually enough to light up a 25 watt light bulb. (Answer “D” is correct). To learn the mind power secrets used by Oprah and Bill Gates, just click here.
(4) How much mind power do YOU use?
You realize by now that none of us use our full brain potential. But how much of our potential would you guess we actually DO exercise?
(a) Less than 1%
(b) About 1%
(c) About 5%
(d) About 10%
ANSWER: Not long ago it was estimated that the average person uses only 10% of their brain power. Then a few years back that estimated was lowered to 5%. But modern neuroscientists now feel the average person probably uses 1% or less of their actual mind potential. (Answer “A” is correct). Imagine if you could boost that to 2%! To learn how YOU can develop “no-limits” mind-power, just click here.
(5) How was Einstein’s brain different?
Studies were done of Einstein’s brain after his death. And yes…his brain was different from the “average” brain. Can you guess how it was different?
(a) He had an extra large cerebral cortex
(b) His brain weighed ½ pound more than the average brain
(c) He had more interconnections among his brain cells
(d) He had superior blood flow to the brain
ANSWER: Studies of Albert Einstein’s brain found that the only difference in his brain was that he had developed significantly more nerve cell interconnections than average. (Answer “C” is correct). What does this mean to you? Note that although you can’t grow new brain cells…you CAN continue to add new neural connections and brain power for your entire life.
Every time you focus and stretch your mind…your brain creates entirely new connections. Literally the more you use your brain (in certain ways)…the smarter you get! This is true no matter what your age! Investigate our 14 steps brain-stretching e-course, click here.
(6) How long are your brain cells?
Your brain’s cells look something like trees – with roots, a trunk and branches. The roots are known as “dendrites” and receive incoming messages from other brain cells. The branches are called “axons” and send messages to other brain cells. The average dendrite is about 1 millimeter long. What do you think is the potential maximum length of an axon?
(a) 50 millimeters
(b) 3 centimeters
(c) 1 meter
(d) 3 meters
ANSWER: Simple “IQ” tasks like learning your multiplication table create pretty simple neural tracts. But provide the right “higher stimulation”…and your brain will sprout an axon as long as three meters (almost 10 feet) to get that stimulation to the right “fellow neurons.” (Answer “D” is correct).
Einstein’s brain, and the brains of most super-achievers like Bill Gates and Oprah, are packed full of longer, more complex, connections. Such connections are grown … not inherited! To grow your own, click here.
(7) What’s your brain’s communications potential?
Just how extensive is the potential for communication among your brain cells? If we compared your brain to today’s high tech communications technology, how would your mind power rate?
(a) As complex as a modern 3000 square foot home’s telephone, computer and fax system
(b) As complex as a computer-automated factory communication system
(c) As complex as the entire New York City telephone communications network
(d) As complex as the entire North American communications network
ANSWER: OK. It’s time to fasten your seatbelt! Let’s compare your brain to a modern telephone switching station. Your mind power is so extensive that a piece the size of a pencil eraser could handle virtually ALL of the entire world’s telephone, computer & fax transmissions – simultaneously. Guess modern technology has quite a way to go yet! (None of the answers go far enough). You can develop MASSIVE mind-power using engineered brainwave training!
(8) How long to create a new habit?
You may have heard the old saying that it takes 21 days to establish a new habit. Or if you’re an ex-smoker, you might lean toward a year before the habit is “licked.” Can you guess what modern neuroscience know knows is the real truth about how long it takes to create a new habit?
(a) About 10 days
(b) Less than a millisecond
(c) About 21 days
(d) At least one year
ANSWER: The scientific truth established by quantum physics and modern neuroscience is: A new habit is created in a fraction of a millisecond. (Answer “B” is correct). Using the new science of personal development and brain power expansion…even instant quantum leaps into higher states are being achieved. Powerful no-limits mental powers can be yours … in only 10 minutes a day! click here.
Brain Buzz
March 17, 2009 by Quantum Publisher
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Welcome to Brain Builder.
Don’t feel guilty for being here! A There is new scientific evidence that surfing the web and reading something on your monitor actually stimulates MORE of your brain cells than just reading a book. So enjoy yourself, and build mind power at the same time.
Brain Teasers
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How Can I Build My Mind Power?
March 17, 2009 by Quantum Publisher
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Build Your Mind Power!
Want to build your mind power? You have come to the right place.
Mind power building tools are what Quantum-Self is all about. One of our co-founders, Dr. Jill Ammon-Wexler, is a pioneer brain/mind researcher. She was one of the first to make mind power training to the corporate world. She currently focuses on creating the mind power tools and brainwave trainings now featured in the Self Growth Planet.
Dr. Jill tells us that there is new scientific evidence that surfing the web and reading something on your monitor actually stimulates MORE of your brain cells than just reading a book. So enjoy yourself, and boost your mind power at the same time.
Recommended Mind Power Tools
Increase your mind power using the tools and special tips below:
Can you provide the right answer to these brain teasers? Have some fun and build your mind power at the same time. Ponder these brain teasers to stretch your brain cells into expanded potential. In short — have some fun!
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Quick mind power tips by Julie Rosset. Some amazing and very simple ways you can get an immediate mental lift. Get a Lift
Come build your mind power at Quantum-Self!
posted by Jill Ammon-Wexler
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