Want REAL Success?

June 14, 2010 by  
Filed under Life Mastery, Our Experts

emotional pain8 Proven Success Strategies.

There are 8 proven strategies to success that highly successful people have always used to overcome obstacles to their goals.

1. Get Aligned 

It’s important to first clearly define exactly what you are truly passionate about — then find a way to become successful at that passion. Only passion stirs up the kind of energy you’ll need when you hit those inevitable bumps in the road. An important proven effective success strategy is to set passionate goals!

2. Focus on Your Priorities
Many folks try to fit their dreams into their life — complaining there are not enough hours in the day to make it happen. If you want your dream to become a reality, make it a priority. Otherwise it will never be more than a pipe dream, and you’re just setting yourself up for disappointment.

Making something important happen in your life requires more than just a goal — it requires a REAL plan of action to get you on target! Create a realistic goal plan that fits the reality of your life.

3. Don’t Force It
Don’t try to force something that isn’t happening. Go for the type of inspired, joyful action that comes along with pursuing a goal in true alignment with your dreams. This causes things to flow along easily and without energy-consuming “efforting.”

Contrast this to forcing yourself to take an action you really don’t want to take. Most likely this will take you twice as long, and you’ll bump up against obstacles.

Whenever possible swim with the current … not against it. And stick to your goal plan to success.

4. Manage your Stress
Stress throws us off balance and into an older, less productive portion of our brain. It prepares you to fight or run. But it does not prepare you to successfully achieve a goal (unless that goal is to escape a tiger.)

5. Build your Strengths
Success comes easier and more quickly when you focus on your strengths, and delegate in those areas where you are less capable. Your natural talents are those things you do so easily and naturally. They contain the seeds of your greatest potential accomplishments.

It’s very important to identify and work on your natural talents and abilities. This is where self knowledge pays off in big dollars and accomplishments. And don’t forget to also your build your mind power!

6. Disarm Your Inner Saboteur
Fear of failure is the biggest internal fear most people will ever have to face. It is why so many ideas never get beyond the idea stage — and why most new projects are started, but never finished.

It’s okay to have these feelings, but it is important to identify them for what they are.

Most fears of failure go all the way back to childhood, and are not even accurate for who you are today. Drag them up into the daylight, and take serious action to face them head on.

7. Develop Resilience
The truth is, you will have setbacks along the way. This is inevitable. The sooner you accept that, the better. Often if you look closely, you will find these setbacks are directly related to your innermost thoughts, fears and beliefs. This is because we create what we focus on, including those things we don’t want.

Don’t get stopped by these bumps in the road. Learn from them. As you work through them you will become the person you need to be to create your dreams. And along the way, be sure to refine your stress management skills. This is an essential key to resilience!

8. Use the Power of Visualization
The muscles we use to physically take action in our lives begins in the mind. That is why all great golfers, tennis players, basketball players, dancers, etc. visualize themselves performing successfully.

An experiment conducted by Aussie psychologist Alan Richardson reported a 23% performance improvement among people who visualized every day for 20 days. Richardson found that the most effective visualization occurs when you feel and see what you are doing. I can help you power-up your success. 

Jill Ammon-Wexler is a renowned success mentor and mind power trainer to entrepreneurs from around the world. A pioneer brain/mind researcher, she was one of the first to take mind power training to the corporate world. Check out  her popular Quantum Mind Program  here=> Success Program

posted by Jill Ammon-Wexler
Amazing Success

Why Emotional Pain Hurts

emotional painEver wonder…

 why you feel emotional pain in your chest when  your feelings have been hurt?

Terms like “heartache” and “gut wrenching” are not just metaphors — they describe both physical and emotional pain.

If you feel heartache, for example, what you are experiencing is emotional stress and the resulting stress-induced sensations in your chest — muscle tightness, an increased heart rate, uncomfortable stomach activity, and shortness of breath.

Physical & emotional pain are connected

You may be a bit surprised to learn that emotional pain triggers the exact brain regions that physical pain lights up.

How do emotions trigger physical sensations? A 2009 study conducted at the University of Arizona and the University of Maryland found that activity in a brain region that regulates emotional reactions (the anterior cingulate cortex) helps explain how an emotional insult can trigger a biological cascade.

During a stressful experience your brain’s anterior cingulate cortex increases the activity of your Vagus nerve. This huge nerve is the pathway connecting your brain stem to your neck, chest and abdomen.

When this nerve is over stimulated, it can cause pain, abdominal “butterflies,” and even nausea.

Heartache is not the only way emotional pain and physical pain intersect in our brain.

Other studies show that even feeling emotional pain on behalf of another person — that is, having empathy for that person — can also influence your pain perception. And this effect is NOT limited to humans. A recent paper published in Science Magazine revealed that when a mouse sees its cage mate in agony, that mouse’s sensitivity to physical pain increases. But when it comes into close contact with a friendly, unharmed mouse, its sensitivity to pain is reduced. 

A recent brain scan study of humans supported the finding in mice — showing that simple acts of social kindness, such as holding hands, can blunt the brain’s response to threats of physical pain, and thus actually lessen the pain.

The author of this post, Dr. Jill Ammon-Wexler, has developed a remarkable downloadable program that reaches right to the core to eliminates emotional pain=> You CAN overcome emotional pain!

The SELF GROWTH PLANET. A huge collection of the best personal development tools available on the web — period! Come experience the BEST OF YOURSELF for $1=> MORE INFO!

Posted by Jill Ammon-Wexler
Amazing Solutions

Do You Believe in Coincidence?

December 22, 2009 by  
Filed under Law of Attraction

What is Coincidence?

Nothing really happens “by chance.” We actually CREATE what we call “coincidence.”

When does coincidence happen in our lives? Stop and think about it. When you are focused on something and it has a priority in your life, little concidences  just seem to occur. This is often said to be the Law of Attraction in action.

This works no matter what you’re focused on. If you’re focused on worry and fear, or anger and frustration — you will see *coincidence events* reflecting what you are worried about. Worry is actually negative goal setting.

The classic example is someone who is looking for success, but just can’t achieve their goals. They might be focused on their goal, and that seems like a good thing. But their unconscious mind might be filled to overflowing with negative thoughts and beliefs.

So what happens? They create negative *coincidence events* that sabotage their efforts. Self-defeating situations are inevitable when your mind is focused focus on fear, worry, or the concept of being somehow limited.

Negative Coincidence?

Negative outcomes don’t just happen in our lives. They occur when we refuse to pay attention to warning signs of a probable negative outcome. The same is true for the Law of Attraction.

Let’s run a little test of how you got to where you are today because of coincidences that occurred in your life.

Start with one aspect of your life. This could be love or romance, your career or business, financial success –- anything that has truly special significance to you.

You know where you are today in that area, but let’s step back say three years. What was the situation then? Take a few introspective minutes to recall the major decisions you made in that area of your life as you think forward to today.

Here’s where you’ll begin see how one decision led to another. Pick one major decision. If you had made a different choice, how would things be different today?

So why do you think you made that decision? You were focused on something positive or negative, that focus created your response to an opportunity or challenge — and here you are today as a result of that past focus and action.

If you choose NOT to direct your subconscious mind to create the life you want, everything will remain as it is today — or will go downhill because of building anger and frustration.

Creating Positive Life Outcomes
Here’s how to instead choose to get positive results in your life:

–Begin by deciding what it is that you really want — make it a positive outcome, and not fear based!

–Begin to FOCUS on what you want.

–Continuously reassure yourself that everything in your life IS moving in the desired direction.

–Trust and be patient. Do NOT interpret challenges as evidence of a negative outcome. View them as learning experiences and opportunities to fine tune your actions.

The very moment you adopt the above technique, you have moved from creating what you don’t want… to creating what you DO want.

Posted by Jill Ammon-Wexler
Amazing Solutions


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