Can You Develop Telepathic Abilities?

May 14, 2009 by  
Filed under Mind Stretch

Does telepathy Really exist?

 Many mainstream scientists insist that modern field theory and quantum physics suggest there is one universal  consciousness that we ALL think into. It could be  that some people are simply more plugged in, and  use this to increase their IQ and creativity to genius levels.

The World Future Society now forecasts that wireless technology will  be incorporated into our thought processing by 2030. They predict that we’ll soon be augmenting our brain`s 100 trillion inter-neural connections with high-speed virtual connections using nanorobotics.

If true, we’ll move far beyond the brain’s present natural performance capacity. This could allow us to greatly boost our pattern-recognition abilities, memories, and overall thinking capacity. We could even directly interface with computer-based intelligence, and with each other on a mind-to-mind basis.

Will We All Be Connected?
Researchers have already demonstrated that wired implants permit a person to move a cursor on a computer screen by just thinking about it. How long before such developments become non-invasive and wireless, and the interface involves two or more human beings communicating by thought alone?

This new future telepathy is being called techlepathy. It is predicted that the first generation devices will be unidirectional. The neural patterns of unspoken words will be transmitted to the other person before receiving the other person’s transmission in return, much like walkie-talkies are used.

Later pre-speech thought patterns will be transmitted. And ultimately, the transference will become seamlessly bi-directional, and will include consciousness and emotions.

By then it could also involve one or more persons, or as many as desired — much like an Internet of connected minds. Some experts predict that this techlepathy will become the primary form of human communication once it becomes widely available.

Will this also increase our IQ and creativity? Maybe. And will there then be hackers going in-mind from time to time, and mind-bloggers going openly public? Who can say? Perhaps we will be able to create personal mental firewalls to restrict any unwanted intrusion.

A Faster, Safer Way
Don’t want to wait 25 years? Want to also increase your IQ and mental performance now? There’s a way to develop telepathic abilities that works MUCH faster, and does NOT require an artificial implant.

People with telepathic and other unusual mental abilities such as out-of-the-body travel experiences generate a particular brainwave frequency that includes focused high Delta and low Theta. The same frequency is also tied to deep intuition and artistic abilities.

Proof We Influence Slot Machines

April 4, 2009 by  
Filed under Mind Stretch

electronsCan you manipulate a slot machine to pay off, or perhaps simply know intuitively what slot machine to play and when? The evidence is YES. For some people it absolutely IS possible to predict which slot machine will pay off, and when to play to hit a winning jackpot.

The Mysterious RNG
At the heart of every casino slot machine  is a computer chip called a random number generator (RNG.) The job of the RNG is to simply generate number combinations that show up as the symbols on the payline of the slot machine.

But what few people in the gambling industry know is that RNGs have been used for over 40 years in psychology experiments to test the ability of the human mind to influence random events.

Helmut Schmidt, a physicist for the Boeing Company Laboratory, created the first RNG for a mind-over-machine experiment back in 1969. His test subjects focused on trying to influence the movement of a circle of lights controlled by a RNG.

Within a decade many other parapsychology researchers were using RNGs in experiments. At Princeton University, test subjects were asked to try to influence RNGs to produce either larger-than-average or smaller-than-average sequences of numbers. The most effective subjects reported feeling a resonance with the computer that involved a loss of awareness of themselves and their surroundings  — a state similar to the focus achieved in deep Alpha-Theta meditation.

The Researchers Concluded that…
Nearly a half-million experimental trials were conducted at Princeton. The results were summarized in a book  —Margins Of Reality — by Professors Robert Jahn and Brenda Dunne. The book reported that some people absolutely DO possess a powerful ability to affect (or perhaps predict) random flows of RNG data.

Additional RNG studies were performed at Stanford Research Institute (SRI) in 1986. The SRI researchers concluded that successful test subjects were using intuition (in the form of precognition) to determine the exact moment to press a play button.

Then in 2000 Physics World, an international journal for physicists, published a paper on RNGs that concluded the human mind can sustain the direction of any naturally occurring localized deviations from chance, and could affect the patterns by which the bits are arranged in time.

The Birth of the Slot Machine
During the late 1980’s RNGs were produced commercially by a company in Nevada International Game Technology and immediately became a common feature in Nevada’s slot machines.

No one has done a detailed study of the big slot winners. But the combined RNG research results make a persuasive case that under the right conditions, a person could intuitively identify the most pregnant slot machine to play and feel the right moment to play it for a winning jackpot.

In 1997 one big winner, Sue Henley, went to the New York-New York casino in Las Vegas after feeling a strong intuitive resonance with a particular machine. I gamble when I have a feeling, she explained after hitting a $12 million willing jackpot on the machine. I only play when the hunch or feeling comes up.

Yhe Question of Luck
Virtually everyone has powers of precognition knowing something before it happens and intuition knowing on a deep level that something is so. These human powers are often attributed to luck. But investigations of the brainwave configurations of both lucky and psychic individuals reveal similar unique patterns.

Psychics and healers use their powers to intuit events and initiate a healing response in others. Brain scans of millionaires have revealed al brainwave configuration very similar to psychics and those who hit winning jackpots..

So what is at work here? These people have simply developed a unique brainwave configuration allowing them to focus and tune into the environment on very deep, crystal-clear levels.

Quantum Physics and the Law of Attraction

March 26, 2009 by  
Filed under Law of Attraction

Quantum physics has clearly established that everything is basically energy in motion. Your automobile, the walls of your office, your desk, the clothing on your body, your computer — it is all vibrating energy.

Thoughts also consist of this very same energy, and are a powerful force in terms of creating  reality (how we view and respond to the world inside and outside our own self).

Thought is an interesting phenomenon. By its very nature, it is forever trying to manifest itself into physical expression. You can compare your thoughts to the sparks that rise from a campfire. For although your thoughts contain the essence and potential power of the fire, they exist only briefly, then simply dissipate.

Because a thought lasts only a few seconds — you may think that a single thought has much inherent power. Enter the power of focus and repetition: A thought that is repeated with intense focus becomes concentrated mental power,  just as sunlight can create fire when focused through a magnifying glass.

The more often a focused thought is repeated, the more energy and power it generates. This is not theory —  it is based on the fact that each thought creates hundreds (or even thousands) of new neural connections in our brain.

The old theory of the power of attraction states that this is how we attract circumstances matching our thought images. There is a science-based way to interpret this same phenomenon. Here’s how it works: Any well-focused thought that is repeated often generates impressions of the desired reality in the subconscious mind.

And since the subconscious mind basically operates 24/7, and constantly scans our internal and external realities, it has been primed to notice anything that reminds it of the focused thought.

If you bought a new red Toyota RAV4, for example, you would suddenly notice every red RAV4 you pass on the highway. They were always there — it’s just that your excitement over your new RAV4 has primed your subconscious mind to note everything related to your new vehicle.

Are thoughts part of quantum reality?
Quantum physics tells us that you and I, as observers, have a direct and very real effect on the nature of reality. This is no exaggeration. Tiny sub-atomic particles (those you can’t see with your eyes) simply behave as unmanifested energy in accordance with what are called waves of probability. BUT the moment someone looks for the position of one of these particles, everything changes. At that moment they will suddenly convert from energy to observable matter.

So how does this apply to our day-to-day human realities? Try this: If focused observation can affect the outside world in such a radically powerful way, imagine what mastering that ability can do in your own life.

Engineered brainwave training encourages your mind to develop its power of focus — converting the 5-watts of electrical power of your brain into a 5-watt laser capable of burning through your so-called limitations.

In my clinical studies I discovered I could tell a lot just by observing someone’s brainwave patterns. Anxious people, for example, tend to produce too many high Beta waves. People suffering from ADD/ADHD, on the other hand, tend to produce an overabundance of low Alpha and high Theta brainwaves. Both of these conditions can be corrected using regular brainwave training.

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